Tuesday, November 2, 2010

From The Garden(ia) - Cinnamon Toast

I did say I have an affair with MOST food stuff. One of the things I do not and cannot appreciate fully is another "C"... cinnamon.

I know, I know! Why the heck not, you'd ask me. It's fragrant, it's delicious, it screams "comfort food"! Well, not for me. My mom loves cinnamon and she'd always have these sticky cinnamon buns around. She'd hoard so much that she would send me to kindergarten with a lunchbox packed with a carton of juice, a piece of fruit... and that darned cinnamon bun. I went hungry for a few days until I found a few classmates willing to trade their sandwiches for my bun.

Fast forward a couple of decades, I have learned to appreciate the smell of cinnamon. Take note: the smell. It's ok if I smell it and taste a bit of it in my food. But if the spice predominates, I'm not eating it. McDonald's apple pies are definitely out of the question.

Until I came upon this awesome discovery: Gardenia Cinnamon Toast.

Gardenia cinny toast

Packed five to a bag, these simulate Mom's cinny toasts: a slice of white bread slathered in butter, sprinkled with cinnamon sugar and toasted till crisp on the crust but still chewy in the middle. This mass-produced version smells of that butter-sugar-cinnamon combo and was strangely irresistible for me. A bite confirmed my suspicion: this is a darn good snack!

The piece of toast yielded to my teeth with a sharp crunch, sending shards everywhere (including my office desk and laptop). The butter met my tongue where it was joined by the kiss of sugar and the soft murmur of cinnamon. Barely there but THERE.

Gardenia Cinny Toast close up

Perfect with a hot cup of coffee, which I had.

All this goodness for Php20 (about $0.50)... worth all the crumbs on my dress.

So what are you waiting for? Grab a pack now!


Unknown said...

Along with sweet potatoes, I love cinnamon too. What is your favorite food? I guess my favorite is chicken and the best part for me is the wings. Just curious.

Kasseopeia said...

My favorite food? Wow, that's a hard question as I love most food. I think I would have to say broccoli =)

I love chicken too. It's the thigh and leg for me.